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No. UT: Thirsty Thursday at Casot

January 16, 2025 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm MST

Gals, come meet and socialize with like minded women off the trail . . .

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Utah only - upgrade to VIP membership NOW to gain access to all restricted events.

If you are a FREE member living in UTAH and still see this message after you have logged into our site, please read the following:

  • VIP members can access all events as soon as they are posted to the calendar.
  • FREE members can access day hike events 2 weeks before the day hike.
  • FREE members can access all new member, beginner, and mom day hikes as soon as they are on the calendar.
  • FREE members can access backpacking events, camping trips, and weekend-getaways no less than 60 days before the event.
  • All community service and outreach events are free and accessible to everyone as soon as they are posted

Still having issues signing up? Email us at [email protected]. We are here to help you! Want to get notified when events are open for everyone? Contact us to make sure you are on our email list.

Date / Time

  • January 16, 2025 - January 16, 2025
  • 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm MST


WHS Co-Founder Cindy Vance

Join the Waitlist Please fill out the form below. We will email you as spots become available.